IN-GENIUM – Focus Leadership Potential

Is leadership the right path for me?

In general use of language the term career is referred to a preferably fast and rapid rise in a company. This is one of the reasons why young talents are often magically attracted by a leadership career. However, most of them don’t know exactly what they really have to face, which personnel competences they need to have for a leadership position and which things can prevent their leadership success.

In IN-GENIUM – Focus Leadership Potential you will intensely deal with your own personality. You will recognize and work with your most important values and life motives. To get there you will review achievements from the past, evaluate your current capabilities and have a look ahead. Due to the simulation of different leadership situations you will closely experience what it feels like to manage difficult conversation situations. Furthermore, you will get to know the four essential roles of an executive manager and afterwards be able to reflect your personnel capabilities using the success factors of excellent leadership work.

The aim of the workshop is to find out individually – on the basis of your personnel self-assessment and the consequentially developed future vision – if you would like to enhance towards a leadership career.

These are the benefits for you and your company:

  • Intensive and focused reflection of own personality (max. 8 participants)
  • Capabilities and potentials are being revealed and brought to consciousness
  • Sense of self awareness and the awareness of others are being sharpened
  • Concrete development impulses and individual feedback from participants and coach
  • Stronger bond between employee and his company due to specific encouragement
  • Miscasts of leadership positions and consequential frustrations or costs can be prevented in this way

The IN-GENIUM – Focus Leadership Potential has proved itself as a preventive measure regarding leadership development. The participants are constantly very thankful for the opportunity given by their company to think about themselves and a possible leadership career in a “secure space”. They leave the workshop with greater clarity and improved self-confidence and are able to knowingly decide for or against a leadership function.

Your coach

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