The success of companies and undertakings is always directly interlinked with the quality of their attitude and the level of awareness.
At the same time, the driving force behind all types of decisions is our internal and external attitude to personal and career challenges. The fact is that whoever feels themselves over or under-challenged will ultimately not perform to their real potential.
Factor E is the seminar that focuses on your potential and consistently pursues one objective: innovative self-leadership. This method releases the necessary energy to increase motivation, to precisely define the level of aspiration, to kick-start initiatives, to increase the appetite for risk and to define the bond to the company or undertaking in question.
Once the principles of independent initiative have been defined and developed, employee motivation, self-responsibility, interpersonal communication and conflict management within a company will then become genuinely effective.
The essential content of this seminar concerns:
- learning to take responsibility for one's actions
- getting to grips with creatively shaping one's own life
- being prepared to take risks and to experiment
- regarding mistakes as an opportunity to learn.
As a result you will
- be even better able to make decisions, the consequences of which you cannot forecast to 100%
- react even more clearly and more confidently in risk situations
- deal with stressful situations even more effectively
- act even more clearly and more solution-orientated in particularly challenging situations
- cope even more constructively and successfully with drastic changes.
Factor E – Enthusiasm, AttitudE and succEss!