E>V- Leadership style analysis - LEAD NAVIGATOR 360°

In what respects can you improve yourself? To whom would you - as a senior manager - put this question? Our suggestion: ask the people who are involved with you in your work. However, these people have little time and don't always express their true opinions openly. That's understandable and quite legitimate. The FAB© takes this into account.

Our guiding principle here is that the best point of reference is the people closest to you. They are asked for their appraisal of 15 paired characteristics. It is the combination of answers which makes it possible for a certified Coach to derive a conclusion. Prior to this, the participant makes their prognosis for the result; this highlights ‘blind spots’ in the participant's self-awareness. During a two-hour discussion between participant and Coach, the result is explained and interpreted. This ‘mini-coaching’ is absolutely essential and targets specific self-improvement options.

FAB© is a development by IAK Cologne. We are grateful to Rainer Wetz for his first-rate product and, of course, also for allowing us to make this development tool accessible to E>V clients.

If you want to know more

We are convinced that only those people who are concerned specifically and routinely with a staff position can make a qualitative high-value statement both in respect of the ideal occupation of the position and also with regard to its occupier. Therefore FAB differs significantly from the 360° feedback concept which you may already know about.

  • The character attributes which someone should ideally bring to a position are not determined by the ‘green table’ which stands somewhere or other within the company and at which, as a rule, people are seated who have nothing directly to do with the position under scrutiny. The reference is far better framed by people who are closest to it.

  • Appraisals are requested on only 15 paired characteristics. This is in glaring contrast to the 360° process where a considerably greater number of individual characteristics are queried - and this is precisely what it's not about here. It is more the combination of answers which enables a trained and certified Coach to develop a high-quality statement along with the participant. The questions are sub-divided into three areas:
    • Specialist qualification
    • Social competence
    • Human competence
  • The participant makes their own prognosis as to how the result will turn out. Thus so-called ‘blind spots’ in the participant's self-awareness are clearly highlighted and can then be dealt with specifically as necessary.
  • In an approximately two-hour long discussion between participant and Coach the result is explained, interpreted and the optional corridors for improvement are mutually identified.
    The process is completely anonymised and the results are reproduced only in the form of median curves.
  • If FAB is conducted in teams, the team members receive excellent pointers on how the team can further develop itself
  • If FAB is conducted in whole company areas or even comprehensively for complete management levels, the company receives purely statistical results which constitute an outstanding planning aid for strategic personal development. As we have been instituting this process extremely successfully for more than 15 years and in very considerable volumes, we are able to back up the interpretation of overall results tangibly and numerically with specific benchmarks from many business sectors and different sizes of company.

Your coach