Go in search of your talents, gifts and special abilities.

We are often so busy in our professional and private lives that we rarely take the time to reflect on our values and attitudes. Use the IN-GENIUM seminar for a personal assessment and go in search of your talents, gifts and special abilities. Some of these may not yet have become visible, others may have been forgotten over time. If you know your own potential and can actively utilise it, you will master upcoming tasks with more passion, enthusiasm and success.

"Our desires are the harbingers of the abilities that lie within us." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

In the seminar you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What can I build on?
  • What gives me a tailwind for my future career path?
  • What motivates me in particular, what drives me?
  • Who are my role models? What exactly do I admire about them?
  • What are my most important values and how do they support and influence my daily thoughts and actions?
  • What are my gifts and talents and how can I utilise them even better in my professional and private life?
  • What is my professional and private vision for the future?

Choose IN-GENIUM if you are an employee or manager who ...

  • want to learn more about your potential and resources,
  • want to manage your future career and life planning in a more targeted way,
  • want to harmonise your professional and private requirements even more closely with your personality.

Your benefit - after the seminar...

  • you have discovered and realised your (hidden) potential,
  • your perception of yourself and others is sharpened,
  • you have developed an overall picture of your personality,
  • you will take away concrete impulses and fields of action,
  • you can act with more clarity, courage and authenticity.

IN-GENIUM can be seen as an important addition to the "FAKTOR E - Seminar for innovative self-management". IN-GENIUM adds valuable insights about your own personality to these impulses, which can be utilised, implemented and lived in practice.

Your coach

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